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Fraud Consulting Investigation Services

GREVESGROUP® will assess the effectiveness of your fraud solution and in a workshop type format, provide feedback and guidance on methods, techniques, tools, workflow and solutions to improve your results. At the conclusion of the engagement you will receive a document that outlines findings and recommendations.

Professional Services

Protecting your business against fraud can be complex and requires deep expertise. Fraudsters are masters at their game. They constantly change their methods and techniques. Our Fraud fighting experts help you to reduce your fraud exposure to a minimum extent and help you to maintain low fraud levels as fraud patterns evolve.

Our purpose is to identify patterns and trends of fraud, so that public law enforcement and private sector will add knowledge to apply to a proactive means of thwarting this insidious crime to the trends and patterns of the crime, characteristics of the offenders, and methods used by individual criminals, as well as organized crime activity.

Our goal of investigation:

  • To explore and identify, from a fraud perspective, key identity theft offense, offender, and case characteristics.
  • To collect and analyze criminal case data for the purpose of establishing an empirically-based profile of fraud offense, offender, and case characteristics.
  • To isolate those empirically obtained offense, offender and case factors that accurately represent the challenges to effective fraud control and prevention.
  • To convert the aggregation and analysis of fraud case data into a substantive and formative guide to aid the successful control and prevention of fraud.

Our main objective is to highlight that where there is a potential for fraud to be committed and controls that should be incorporated across all aspects of business. Controls should be appropriate to the scale of the assets at risk and the potential loss to the business and quickly set up fraud prevention practices, saving your money and hassle.

We continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the corporate sector. We discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included non disclosure agreement where necessary. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our Corporate Investigation Services you may inquire on

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