Anti Counterfeiting Investigations
Counterfeiting is ultimately an infringement of the legal rights of an owner of intellectual property. During the last two decades, many countries have taken steps towards introducing legislation that makes product counterfeiting a criminal offence. The liability can either be based on general matters of criminal law such as an attempt to defraud, or result from provisions in trademark legislation. GREVESGROUP® is highly experienced in assisting our clients to successfully identifying the, factories, companies and entities at the source of counterfeit or infringing products.
We have worked in most industries that have issues with counterfeiters or infringers including:
Products, Footwear, Sportswear, Pharmaceuticals, Tobacco, Confectionery, Apparel, Software & Hardware, Electronic & Electric Goods, White Goods, Household Goods, Alcohol & Spirits, Beverages, Perfumes & Cosmetics, Automotive, Toys, Watches, Luxury Goods, Sports Goods, Mobile Phone's & Accessory, Machinery, Spare Parts & Tools, Stationary Items, Publications Industries, Music etc.
However, despite the development in legislation, trademark owners may still face difficulties in persuading enforcement authorities to take action against counterfeiters. This is due to a number of factors:
- Counterfeiting is often given a low priority compared to other criminal offences.
- It may be difficult to uncover the full scale of a counterfeiter's activities.
- The procedural rules are often too complex to make it worthwhile to enforce the law.
We understand that enquiries relating to corporate intelligence involve extreme sensitivity. We handle all issues in complete confidence. The primary goal of our organization is to provide the professional level of competent services at a very competitive and reasonable rate. We continuously strive to help our clients and our aim is to provide a consistently high standard of service at competitive compensations ensuring value for money. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our IPR services you may inquire on