Tracing of Business & Company Searches
GREVESGROUP® offers a specialized skip tracing service that is fast, efficient and accurate. We have built highly comprehensive databases, comprising a consumer and company information records which can provide you for recovering your loss. Our division of Skip Tracing uses the latest technology, databases and tracing skills to locate the people.
The reasons for the disappearance are usually criminal or financial cause:
- Criminal background: tax evasions, using trust funds etc
- Tracing of Business Financial background: Debts, stealing money from partners, investment complications etc
Sometimes in the case of business loss, Some Businessmen can prepare them for the disappearance from the surroundings and his/her circle by transferring funds to another bank account, choosing a destination without extradition agreements with the country of departure or may be using a new identity.
In this case we form a stable team to trace the missing businessman our team gathers details, prepares a profile and questions for all the people relevant to the missing businessman, When the missing person is found, the full information is gathered by verify the location of new residence, place of work and new identity will transfer to our client.
We treat all the information with the highest confidentiality insisting on the highest ethical standards understanding our client's business.
We continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the corporate sector. We discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included non disclosure agreement where necessary. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our Corporate Investigation Services you may inquire on