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Intellectual Property Rights Law in India

Intellectual property (IP) rights are the rights awarded by society to individuals or organisations principally over creative works: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. They give the creator the right to prevent others from making unauthorised use of their property for a limited period. IP is categorised as Industrial Property (functional commercial innovations), and Artistic and Literary Property (cultural creations). GREVESGROUP® is always ready to help you in reducing distortions and impediments to international trade, and taking into account the need to promote effective and adequate protection of intellectual property rights, and to ensure that measures and procedures to enforce intellectual property rights do not themselves become barriers to legitimate trade. Most successful brands across the world are being cheated in the matter of Intellectual Property Rights. The most common violation is counterfeiting. The term Intellectual Property covers Patents, Copyright, Trademark, Designs. Counterfeiting bypasses the delivery and distribution of illegitimate products in legitimate packaging through legitimate channels. The result is Loss of Products quality, devaluation of consumer understanding of regularity and the loss of revenue and profit. We are stood by you to protect your Intellectual Property rights. We continuously strive to help our clients and our aim is to provide a consistently high standard of service at competitive compensations ensuring value for money. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our IPR services you may inquire on

  • The Trademark Act, 1999 -
  • Copyright Act, 1957 -
  • Indian Patent Act 1970 -
  • The Design Act 2000 -
  • The Geographical Indications of Goods, GI Act, 1999 -
  • The Indian Custom Act -
  • The Preventions of Food Adulteration Act. (As on01.10.2004) -
  • Consumer Protection Act.1986 -

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