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Insurance Surveillance Investigations Services

GREVESGROUP® is corroborated with the team of highly experienced Investigators for surveillance who are specialized to solve the cases of insurance frauds and in meeting the insurer's requirement. Our investigators can work under almost any circumstances and modify their surveillance activities to suit your requirements.

According to our experience and opinion, it is recommended that at least three days of surveillance, conducted on consecutive days, be performed on an average file at the preliminary stages. This action should be taken following the conduct of a comprehensive pre-surveillance investigation and background inquiry. Many insurers benefit from proceeding with investigative action at the early stages of claim and/or litigation. We just require a lawful purpose prior to engaging an investigation or surveillance.

It is of vital importance to have the necessary equipment and personnel to conduct discreet surveillance on someone whilst also being able to provide sufficient evidence in the correct form for the legal requirements of investigating an insurance claim. We have at our disposal:

  • Long sight, viewing and photography equipment
  • Vehicle trackers
  • Video recording equipment
  • Hidden body worn video cameras
  • Disguised video cameras for internal and external viewing and recording

The aim of our surveillance team is not just the surveillance itself but also to provide the evidence of truth whatever that may be on any occasion. We are able to complete insurance surveillance in all kind of claims such as:

  • Burglary and theft insurance claims
  • Medical insurance claims
  • Insurance claims relating to property such as fire, flood, and third party
  • Death Claims
  • Accidents Claims
  • Financial Loss Claims
  • Vehicle Insurance Claims

Although surveillance can be successfully used in many areas of insurance claims investigation simultaneously it may be necessary to support investigations. We are always with you to provide the protection from the fraudulent claims.

We continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the Insurance sector. We discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included non disclosure agreement where necessary. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our Insurance Investigation Services you may inquire on

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