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Corporate Theft Investigation

If you are the owner, director, executive or the manager of the company or department which is suffering from company theft of items, information or data then this can be a big loss. GREVESGROUP® can help you to carry out a complete investigation using several methods to trace and locate the person or persons who are responsible.

According to our experience most of the Corporate Theft cases proceeds with:

  • Falsification of primary and consolidated records
  • Falsification, intentional manipulation or altering of accounting entries used to prepare financial statements
  • Concealment of transactions, failure to record such transactions in primary documents and failure to enter such transactions in accounting records and financial statements (intentional omission)
  • Unauthorized recording of transactions in primary documents and entry into accounting records and financial statements (entry of transactions that have not been actually performed)
  • Intentional misapplication of accounting principles relating to amounts, classification, manner of presentation, or disclosure
  • Intentional supply of incorrect information on transactions and/or corporate operational status
  • Deliberately incorrectly developed accounting policy.
  • Deliberately inaccurate forecasts and estimates of financial indicators
  • Asset misappropriation (theft) and embezzlement

Our strategy of investigation to solve the fraud matter is:

  • Local investigation
  • Phone and email communications investigations
  • Tracing the information lost to its possible consequences and use
  • Intelligence investigation on suspected employees and/or contractors
  • Use of hidden cameras

It is always a challenge for the investigation companies to foresee any occurrence of any of the above or any other types of theft in an entity. Therefore our Theft Examiners has offered unified professional theft classifiers.

If you are suffering from these kind of thefts, contact GREVESGROUP® if you need more information about this threat.

We continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the corporate sector. We discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included non disclosure agreement where necessary. To obtain more comprehensive information related to our Corporate Investigation Services you may inquire on

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